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South Africa, Home of the Velds
- Seasons in the velds are the reverse of those in the Northern Hemisphere.
- Spring: September, October, and November are the spring months. Spring is windy, hot and humid. Spring weather is calm and sunny, so it is an excellent time to visit the velds in South Africa.
- Summer: December, January, and February are the summer months. Summer is also the rainfall season. This season is characterized by warm, hot, and sometimes dry days. Also characterized by system of south easterly winds called "The Cape Doctor", which keep temperatures within enjoyable limits (25-39°C).
- Autumn: March, April, and May are the autumn months. Temperature is pleasantly warm, not hot, and nights are cool, not cold. This is another perfect season to visit the velds of South Africa.
- Winter: June, July and August are the winter months. It is a great season with clear blue skies, almost no rain. Characterized by cold nights, frosty mornings, and low humidity levels.

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